What More Can I Say?

As you have probably noticed by now, things have gotten pretty quiet around here.

I have been on quite the whirlwind journey since my last post back in April. I graduated college, got a job and moved, along with my girlfriend and cat, from Burlington, Vermont to Brooklyn, New York. Needless to say, it has been an incredible two and a half months.

Unfortunately, all of this has come at the expense of The Peach Basket. While my basketball fandom has certainly not slowed down, my ability to put the amount of effort that I expect from myself into this site has ceased to exist. This is why, for the time being, I have decided to officially step away from TPB.

It is my hope, that by next season, I will be settled down and have my life in some semblance of order that will allow me to continue writing here. What started as a way to simply build my writing portfolio, has turned into a hobby that I truly enjoy. I would look forward to the end of the week, so that I could scour the depths of Basketball Reference for evidence to support my (sometimes correct, sometimes incorrect) hypotheses. What’s more, is that some of you would actually read it! In fact, over 3,000 of you, representing 62 different countries, found your way to my little blog. That means a lot to me. More than it probably should.

Despite the lack of new content, I will keep the site up. I feel (and your page hits over the past two months support this) that most of the pieces I’ve written can stand the test of time. Also, I’m just not ready to let it go. This site was my baby, my brainchild, and I truly hope that I can return to it soon.

In the meantime, feel free to give me a follow on Twitter, where my ramblings are much more contained (I will be disabling @TPBhoops, as it wasn’t much of a success anyway).

And again, thank you.

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